Friday, August 19, 2011

*shakes head* Racists.

Ok, any person who says there is no racism in this country just because we have a black president is blind to the actual issues in this world. Not only that, but they piss me off. Why don't THEY live through the stairs when you walk in a store. Why don't THEY walk down the street and get called names. Why don't they open their goddamn eyes and see what is going on EVERYWHERE?
The thing is, THEY CANT because they are WHITE. It pisses me off when they pull some stat out their ass proving there is no racism, and if there is its from the black community. One, that is racist. Two, they are stupid. Three- FUCK OFF UNTIL THEY ARE TREATED DIFFERENTLY IN A BAD WAY JUST BECAUSE OF HOW THEY LOOK, THEY WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND.

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